Your Body as Passage
When the summer presses
The hard callous of my hands
You soft come on me
The opposite being who
I am mute to love
Afraid of wanting too much
Afraid of desire
You burn the hot fire which purifies
The fan feeding the acorn shell
Of my sex
Then I want you free of desire
As pure air circulates
The lyric truth of breath
That is that love making
Me hard and harder I crack
And disappear in you
And you into me
Then we are passages to each other.
Having come this far
You are so open to yourself
Have disappeared.
I am left stained by the strain of desire
I cannot surrender
Which binds the body in knots
For the certainty of loss is more becoming
Than this attitude of nothingness.
It has no physical coordinates
But beckons to me in dreams
And is the longing of all angels to be.
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